
The motivations for a vagabond.

The motivations for a vagabond.

  • Ambition

    Advance when you increase your reputation with any faction.

  • Chaos

    Advance when you topple a tyrannical or dangerously overbearing figure or order.

  • Clean Paws

    Advance when you accomplish an illicit, criminal goal while maintaining a believable veneer of innocence.

  • Crime

    Advance when you illicitly scorea significant prize or pull off an illegal caper against impressive odds.

  • Discovery

    Advance when you encounter a new wonder or ruin in the forests.

  • Freedom

    Advance when you free a group of denizens from oppression.

  • Greed

    Advance when you secure a serious payday or treasure.

  • Infamy

    Advance when you decrease your reputation with any faction.

  • Justice

    Advance when you achieve justice for someone wronged by a powerful, wealthy, or high-status individual.

  • Loyalty

    You're loyal to someone; name them. Advance when you obey their order at a great cost to yourself.

  • Principles

    Advance when you express or embody your moral principles at great cost to yourself or your allies.

  • Protection

    Name your ward. Advance when you protect them from significant danger, or when time passes and your ward is safe.

  • Revenge

    Name your foe. Advance when you cause significant harm to them or their interests.

  • Thrills

    Advance when you escape from certain death or incarceration.

  • Wanderlust

    Advance when you finish a journey to a clearing.