
Vagabond character sheets.

  • Adventurer

    • Drives (2): Ambition, Clean Paws, Principles, Justice
    • Nature (1): ExtrovertClear your exhaustion track when you share a moment of real warmth, friendship, or enjoyment with someone.orPeacemakerClear your exhaustion track when you resolve a dangerous conflict nonviolently.
    • Connections: Partner_______ and I fought alongside each other to defend a clearing from a factions advances...but we failed. Why did we defend the clearing? Why did we fail? Who defeated us?

      When you fill in this connection, you each mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped, and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you harmed. During play, if you are spotted together, then any prestige or notoriety gains with those factions are doubled for the two of you.
      andFriendI traveled with _______ for a time right after I became a vagabond. They helped keep me safe and showed me the Woodland. What keepsake did I gift them?

      When you help them, you can mark 2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of 1-exhaustion for a +1.
  • Arbiter

    • Drives (2): Justice, Principles, Loyalty, Protection
    • Nature (1): DefenderClear your exhaustion track when you put yourself in harm's way to defend someone against injustice or dire threat.orPunisherClear your exhaustion track when you tell a powerful or dangerous villain to their face that you will punish them.
    • Connections: ProtectorI once protected _______ from a mortal blow during a fight, and I would do it again. Why?

      When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to take a blow meant for them. If you do, take +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of the scene.
      andPartner_______ and I together helped a faction take control of a clearing, and share responsibility for it.

      When you fill in this connection, you each mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped, and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you harmed. During play, if you are spotted together,then any prestige or notoriety gains with those factions are doubled for the two of you.
  • Harrier

    • Drives (2): Crime, Discovery, Infamy, Wanderlust
    • Nature (1): DutifulClear your exhaustion track when you take on a dangerous or difficult task on behalf of another.orCompetitiveClear your exhaustion track when you take dramatically unnecessary risks to show off.
    • Connections: Professional_______ and I tried to blaze a new trail between two clearings; without the support of the major factions, it never fully came to fruition.

      If you share information with them after reading a tense situation, you both benefit from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you help them while they attempt a roguish feat, you gain choices on the help move as if you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark 1-exhaustion.
      andFriend_______ and I forged a bond while investigating a ruin deep in the woods. What strange minor trinkets do each of you carry from that expedition?

      When you help them, you can mark 2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of 1-exhaustion for a +1.
  • Ranger

    • Drives (2): Discovery, Freedom, Revenge, Protection
    • Nature (1): LonerClear your exhaustion track when you enter a dangerous situation alone, without backup or assistance.orCynicClear your exhaustion track when you openly and directly ask dangerous questions about an accepted “truth”.
    • Connections: WatcherI was tricked, conned, or deceived by _______ once. Why do I choose to continue working with them?

      When you figure them out, you always hold 1, even on a miss. When you plead with them to go along with you, you can let them clear 2-exhaustion instead of 1.
      andProtectorI did something that would have gotten me the enmity of a Woodland faction— if _______ hadn't covered for me. What did I do? Why and how did they protect me? Regardless, I feel indebted to them.

      When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to take a blow meant for them. If you do, take +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of the scene.
  • Ronin

    • Drives (2): Principles, Revenge, Thrills, Wanderlust
    • Nature (1): SurvivorClear your exhaustion track when you try to flee or cover allies' flight from a dangerous or overwhelming situation.orPilgrimClear your exhaustion track when you find an expert in a skill you don't possess.
    • Connections: Partner_______ and I worked together on my first real task of significance in the Woodland, deposing a dangerous authority figure of a faction. Who did we depose? Why?

      When you fill in this connection, you each mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped, and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you harmed. During play, if you are spotted together, then any prestige or notoriety gains with those factions are doubled for the two of you.
      andWatcherI see in _______ many reminders of my old master. I am drawn to them, even as I watch them carefully. What is it that reminds me of my old master? How do they feel about my watchful eyes?

      When you figure them out, you always hold 1, even on a miss. When you plead with them to go along with you, you can let them clear 2-exhaustion instead of 1.
  • Scoundrel

    • Drives (2): Chaos, Thrills, Crime, Infamy
    • Nature (1): ArsonistClear your exhaustion track when you use needlessly destructive or damaging methods to solve a problem.orCombativeClear your exhaustion track when you try to start a fight against overwhelming opposition.
    • Connections: Friend_______ and I once met and pulled off a mad, impossible stunt together. What did we do? Why?

      When you help them, you can mark 2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of 1-exhaustion for a +1.
      andPartner_______ and I destroyed a faction's resource, on behalf of an opposing faction. Why?

      When you fill in this connection, you each mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped, and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you harmed. During play, if you are spotted together, then any prestige or notoriety gains with those factions are doubled for the two of you.
  • Thief

    • Drives (2): Freedom, Greed, Ambition, Thrills
    • Nature (1): KleptomaniacClear your exhaustion track when you try to selfishly steal something valuable or important.orRebelliousClear your exhaustion track when you grievously insult, defy, or anger figures of authority.
    • Connections: ProfessionalI stole something important, something needed or craved, for _______. I proved my worth to them.

      If you share information with them after reading a tense situation, you both benefit from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you help them while they attempt a roguish feat, you gain choices on the help move as if you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark 1-exhaustion.
      andFriend_______ sprang to get me out of holding, whether they bailed me out or rescued me. I owe them.

      When you help them, you can mark 2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of 1-exhaustion for a +1.
  • Tinker

    • Drives (2): Greed, Ambition, Revenge, Protection
    • Nature (1): PerfectionistClear your exhaustion track when you replace someone else's existing tool or resource with something truly great.orRadicalClear your exhaustion track when you espouse dangerous ideas to the wrong audience.
    • Connections: Professional_______ and I have been working together well for a while. We read each other's moves easily.

      If you share information with them after reading a tense situation, you both benefit from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you help them while they attempt a roguish feat, you gain choices on the help move as if you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark 1-exhaustion.
      andFamily_______ and I had each other's back when we were run out of a clearing because our natures got out of hand.

      When you help them fulfill their nature, you both clear your exhaustion track.
  • Vagrant

    • Drives (2): Chaos, Thrills, Clean Paws, Wanderlust
    • Nature (1): GluttonClear your exhaustion track when you overindulge on vices like drink, food, and gambling.orHustlerClear your exhaustion track when you try to spring a con on a powerful or dangerous mark.
    • Connections: FamilyAfter _______ and I pulled off an impressive heist and stole something very valuable from a powerful faction, my bad choices landed me in dire straits. But they bailed me out, and we've been close ever since.

      When you help them fulfill their nature, you both clear your exhaustion track.
      andWatcher_______ saw through one of my cons, and turned it back on me. How? Why did we forgive each other?

      When you figure them out, you always hold 1, even on a miss. When you plead with them to go along with you, you can let them clear 2-exhaustion instead of 1.